Statement wallpapers for your home
Wallpaper can transform a home instantly. Lately wallpapers have taken the market by storm. People are drifting form that age old traditional painting job to wallpapers installation for obvious reasons. With their bold patterns, vibrant colours and stunning designs, statement wallpapers can create an
You should invest in quality wallpaper in winters – Why?
Wallpapers are a great way to change the look and aesthetics of your home. Wallpapers can add warmth and character to your home, and they can even influence the mood of people who live in that home. Here in this blog we, Ultrawalls will
Marble Pattern – Adding Class to Homes
A house with marble wallpaper is the epitome of elegance. The Marble Effect Wallpapers at Ultrawalls look almost like the genuine marble. Ultrawalls has a plethora of Marble Effect wallpapers that will grace your living room, bedroom, dining room. The vast collection includes,
How to Install Traditional Wallpapers?
Wallpapers have sure made a comeback in recent times. They are securing a decent place in homes, cafes, restaurants, guest houses, libraries, hotels and many such places by transforming them beautifully. Designer wallpapers have set this trend in home décor of transforming looks and