How to choose right wallpaper?
Wallpapers basically not only give s a stunning look to the home but also disguise the imperfections perfectly, but choosing that perfect wallpaper for your home can be a tiring task. With an experience of more than 47 years in the field of wallpapers, Ultrawalls can be a guide for you and can help you to choose that perfect wallpapers for your home.
Colours speaks louder
The colour matters a lot when it comes to choosing the wallpaper, for every different space, there is one dedicated and most used colour palette.
Colours | Space |
Lighter shades of pink, purple, blue, grey, green etc. | To bring tranquillity into your bedroom and relaxation for a sound sleep. |
Red, brown, peach, teal, green etc. | For the kitchen as these colours are a combination of energy and stimulation. |
Happy colours like yellow, orange, blue, pink, green, lavender, etc. | A perfect pick for kid’s room as they are bright and bring in positivity. |
Combinations of yellow, beige, red, orange, etc. | They suits well for spaces like living areas as they are welcoming and warm. |
Saffron, green, orange, turquoise, etc. | They are for dining rooms since they enhances appetite. |
For an appealing look for your room, choose wallpaper that is space specific. Ultrawalls brings a wide range of wallpapers that are imported form most trendiest markets in the world.
An excellent way to give dimension to your walls and room. Ultrawaslls has a wide range of textured wallpapers that will suit your taste and décor.
Type | Space |
Wallpapers with natural texture | These are for the spaces you wish to create rustic look. |
Wallpapers with smooth texture | They are good for room where there is less wear and tear. |
Wallpapers with matte texture | They are suited well for spaces with ample of natural light. |
Wallpapers with glossy texture | They are perfect for spaces with huge windows |
The next think to keep in mind is pattern. The thumb rule is that when you choose patterned wallpapers for your room then match them with the patterns on the windows, carpets, rugs, pillow & cushion covers etc.
Pattern | Spaces |
Large patterns | These are perfect for large spaces. |
Floral patterns | Best suited for dinning and bedrooms. |
Geometric patterns | Suits well for office spaces |
Bold Patterns | Best for living room & kitcehn |
For such beautiful wallpapers in floral, patterned, textured, rustic, designs, visit today.