Most Important Things You must Know About Wallpapers
Wallpapers are a way to transfigure your walls into statement pieces. A suitable wallpaper can give your home a unique character, whether you’re planning to redesign an old place or a brand new one.
In utmost cases, people choose wall paints over different types of wallpapers when revamping their homes. Ultrawalls is here to tell everything about wallpaper so that you can make you decision with a different thought.
Can wallpaper be installed in a tiny room?
Yes, you can install wallpaper in a tiny room. Only you have to keep note that you should always choose a colour or a design that you really love. Besides the reality that you will feel it every day, anything not specifically appealing to your taste will soon overwhelm you.
You can go for large floral or leafy prints and embrace the natural setting of the room. It also helps to deal with a low-height ceiling. Ultrawall suggests that you include a combination of pastel-colored or textures and wallpaper to create the illusion of a larger room. Horizontal stripes can make a space feel more expansive, whereas vertical stripes can stretch the room and raise the ceiling. Avoid bold, dark colours and tiny patterns because they make a room feel claustrophobic.
Which material is better paper or any other?
Paper wallpaper is well-known for hiding defects in walls. It’s low maintenance and easy to remove and stick. Care must be taken while putting it up.
Vinyl-coated wallpaper is another favourite that can be smoothly pasted to the walls. Embossed wallpaper is another great option for hiding scrapes. Fabric wallpaper and other materials are considered lavish choices but are high-maintenance and have limitations in sticking to the walls.
Where Can I use wallpapers with small prints?
You can usually use a small pattern in a spacious living room where windows or children’s bedroom, Next to doors, and built-in furniture separate the walls.
Can I Make a Small Room look Large with the Wallpapers?
Yes, making a small or lower room appear large with suitable wallpapers is possible. Vertical stripes make a room look wider and large, and perpendicular ones make a room high. Simple geometric patterns or textures imitating marble make a room look bigger. However, a minimum repeating pattern in a lighter colour can make a larger space, If used in the entire room. Slant patterns work well in blockish apartments. So you can choose according to your needs. Ultrawalls has a wide range of designer wallpapers.
What Is a Pattern Repeat?
In the case of vertical and perpendicular patterns, it’s pivotal to pay attention that the prints must have an equal distance and match the alignment on both sides. Geometric patterns take further time and labor for perfect alignment. In contrast, flowery patterns and aimlessly aligned patterns bear smaller repeats and are easier to work with.
What Are the Do’s & Don’ts of Installing a Wallpaper?
- Careful planning and preparation are the keys to successful wallpapering.
- Determine the quantity of paper wanted and buy all of it at one time.
- Ensure all the papers are from the same batch to maintain colour/ pattern
thickness. - Measure and cut the papers. Line them up at the bottom to understand how
they look at the wall before pasting them.
- Don’t start with a large area.
- Don’t start without preparing your walls.
- Don’t choose a wallpaper that doesn’t suit you’re being interior style and
homestretches. - Don’t go for complicated patterns.
- Don’t forget to hire a professional for advice.
Do Walls Need to Be Painted before Wallpapering? How Long Does Wallpaper Last?
An excellent wallpaper installation starts with proper wall preparation. However, there might be a slip. If the walls aren’t strong enough to hold the paste used to stick the wallpaper. Therefore, it’s important to make up before hanging your wallpaper.
Wallpapers are highly reliable and can last up to 15 years. Check out the collection of designer and imported wallpaper at