Wallpaper Ideas That Transform Small Spaces
Carefully chosen wallpaper can do wonders when it comes to transforming a small space. Though the task is quite daunting but there are lots of creative ways to bring a small room look spacious and bigger.
Tonal Effect
The tonal effect of an ombre wallpaper design will act as an illusion, making the wall seem taller and therefore really maximising your space. The misty blue and orange pastel tones within it are bright yet not overpowering in the space, gently introducing colour and depth to the small wall.
Print Perfect
If you’re looking for wallpaper for small bedrooms, again it’s the best option to go for a large print with lots of depth. Wallpapers with bold floral and water colours creates a layer of texture.
Patterns Privy
When wishing to put wallpaper with some pattern for a small space, go for details. There are many patterns that will make a space feel airy and bigger. Marble pattern can be a perfect idea for such spaces. This type of wallpaper adds depth to the walls.
Large scale wallpapers are a great option, so don’t be afraid to introduce bold wallpaper in small spaces and get creative with your styling. As long as your design introduces depth, layers and includes some lighter tones, you’ll be sure to elevate your small wall and create the illusion of more space.
For more wallpaper, login o ultrawalls.com today.